Biki-ing during the pandemic
by Michael Choe | Oct. 20, 2020
After almost two decades of never touching a bike, Biki (a bikeshare company) has become my primary “ride” during this pandemic. Biki’s mint-colored bicycles can be spotted all around Honolulu — the company manages 1,300 bikes with 130 docks from Iwilei to Diamond Head and Kaimuki. I, for one, find myself using Biki a lot more now than I ever did before.
The bus has been off-limits to me ever since the COVID-19 pandemic hit, and reports of bus drivers testing positive for the virus made me even more cautious. But I still needed transportation that was faster than walking and didn’t require the hassle of parking. Normally, I’d turn to Uber or Lyft, but using those services daily would do some serious damage to my bank account.
A friend who biked to work before the pandemic recommended Biki. I checked out the nearest kiosk and within a minute I had my first Biki out for a test run. Why didn’t I bike more often?
I was initially worried about the consistent use of Bikis by others, but later learned that the bikes and stations are regularly sanitized. Also, if you’re extra careful and like to wipe things down yourself, it’s a lot easier to clean a bicycle than a bus or car seat and the surrounding touch points. In addition to the cleanliness of the bikes, the condition is also quite good. After several months of using the bikeshare service, I have yet to see a Biki in bad shape.
It also seems safer to ride a Biki. The pandemic caused a lot of employees to work remotely, closed businesses, and encouraged people to stay home. Because of this, there are fewer cars and fewer people, which allows for more room for bikes on roads and sidewalks where they are allowed. The next time you have to shop for groceries or travel for essential needs, try biking there! Just remember that despite the roadways being less congested, it’s important to follow all traffic laws and to use your hand signals when cycling.
I choose to bike sometimes even though I have a car mainly for two reasons. The first is that each time I decide to bicycle instead of drive means one less car on the road contributing fuel emissions. The second reason is simply for my own health — biking is a great cardio workout that targets the lower body without putting a lot of stress on joints. Essentially, it’s not only great for me, but for the environment too! And did you know that the kiosks are powered by solar panels?
There are plenty of great reasons to ride a bike, and with Biki around, the only question left is “Why not?” As Biki continues to expand, I’m excited to try its electric bikes once they’re launched. Then Biki-ing will be even easier — as if it wasn’t already easy enough! Check out the video below to see how you can rent your own Biki in less than a minute.
To learn more about the bikeshare program, visit
Michael Choe is a digital communications and social media specialist at Hawaiian Electric.