Critical pollinators need our protection
by Sharon Higa | May 17, 2019
On May 6, 2019, the United Nations released a landmark report that claimed one million plant and animal species are on the verge of extinction, many within decades. The report is sobering and yet not without hope. On this Endangered Species Day, let’s elevate the case for protecting the planet and all its inhabitants as we introduce … a bee.
In 2016, seven species of endemic Hawaiian yellow-faced bees were listed as endangered, a first for any bee species in the United States and a win for conservationists as the Endangered Species listing brings increased attention to the bees’ plight and more protection for their survival.
The tiny flying insect weighs about a tenth of a gram and is a critical pollinator of many endangered native Hawaiian plants, which the bees rely on almost entirely as their food source. Without the bees to pollinate them, many of the native plants face potential extinction.
The male wears the tell-tale yellow mask on his face while the female, mostly entirely black, can usually be found setting up the nest for bee eggs. Mom may use a hollow stem or even a hole in a rock or coral to place the eggs, a separate compartment for each egg with pollen to feed her young when they emerge.
Hawaiian yellow-faced bees lead a rather solitary, self-sufficient lifestyle buzzing happily from flower to flower contrary to a typical hive with many worker bees.
Although the yellow-faced bees once thrived in Hawaii, their dwindling numbers over the last century reflect what scientists and conservationists now know to be threats from habitat loss due to development, the introduction of invasive and non-native plant species, and predation by invasive ants, which attack the nests, as well as feral pigs, cattle and goats that spread invasive plant seeds.
“One way we can help the yellow-faced bee is simply to plant more native plants that flower throughout the year so the bees have a consistent source of pollen and nectar,” said Sean Moura, Hawaiian Electric wildlife biologist & environmental scientist. Moura is responsible for managing the company’s protected species program to ensure company operations avoid impact to protected and endangered species across our service areas.
On the horizon is research to better understand the yellow-faced bees’ genetics. Conservation groups also hope for more active management of the areas where known populations exist. These efforts will help improve the bees’ odds to survive and thrive.
On this Endangered Species Day, we applaud the global community of scientists, conservationists, agencies and organizations working to protect all the world’s endangered species and their habitats.
Sharon Higa is a senior communications consultant at Hawaiian Electric Company.